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What is the work of the Liter of Light?Litro de Luz Brasil started in 2014 and has already impacted more than 23 thousand people directly with the constant support of 200 Volunteers, teaching and putting together solutions together with the residents of the most vulnerable communities in the country (ribeirinhas , quilombolas, urban, rural and indigenous).
What states do you work in?We operate in the 5 regions of Brazil, wherever there is a need, but we have permanent teams in: Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Florianópolis, Brasília, Campina Grande and Manaus.
Would you like to receive LDL in my community?To pre-register your community, access the form: < u> Our Social Development area will contact you with any questions you may have, within 20 calendar days.
How many trained ambassadors does LDL have?over 155 ambassadors
How many communities has LDL served?130 communities
How many people have already been impacted?directly, more than 23 thousand people
How many solutions installed?over 3,700 solutions
What awards has LDL won?World Habitat Awards 2015 (UN/UNESCO) - LDL International Zayed Energy Prize (considered a Nobel Prize for the Environment) 2015 - LDL International St. Andrews Environment Prize 2016 - LDL Brazil Banco do Brasil Foundation Award for Social Technologies 2017 - LDL Brazil Brazilian Youth Award 2017 - LDL Brazil
Where can I find LDL social status?The statute, financial statements and transparency reports can be accessed on our transparency page: https://www.litrodeluz. com/transparency
What is the structure of LDL?Litro de Luz's management team is made up of the following areas: Social Development, Marketing, Partnerships, Finance, Legal, Strategic Projects, Operations & Technology and People & Management. We have more than 200 volunteers within these areas spread across 6 cities.
What is the form of LDL uptake?We raise funds through partnerships and sales of services with companies and individual donors.
What types of partnerships does LDL offer for companies?Corporate volunteer action, Installation action in area of influence, Action focused on Marketing, Corporate workshops, Educational workshops, Cause marketing, Institutional support, Lectures and Events
How can I become a volunteer?We have selection processes every 6 months or 1 year, depending on the needs of the cell. Whenever we open, we will inform you on our social networks. Follow us on the networks to find out. But you can also pre-register at the link:
What are the requirements/criteria to be a volunteer?We ask for 6 hours per week, which are distributed during the week (not just on the weekend, for example). These 6 hours include area and general meetings, in addition to day-to-day activities. Each area has some specific criteria and requirements, so it will vary from where you are allocated.
How can I donate?Donations are made through our website, under the "Make your donation" menu. Choose the value of your preference and help!
How to start a new Litro de Luz Brasil cell?Currently, Litro de Luz is thinking about an organized growth, with structuring of existing cells. As soon as we are interested in opening a new cell, we will disclose it, stay tuned on our social media!
How can I assemble the lamp?The assembly manual for our solar lamp is available on our page: The assembly manual for our solar pole is available on our page: If you want to assemble it, you can access our page and make it yourself.
How much area (m²) does an LDL pole illuminate?Illuminates well in a radius of 5m, that is, approximately 80 m².
What is the ideal distance between one pole and another to ensure good lighting?The ideal distance is about 10m.
Would you like to have Liter of Light poles in my establishment? How do I do?Litro de Luz does not sell lighting solutions, we take it to communities that do not have access to lighting. However, you can find the materials and instructions needed to assemble our solar lantern on our website: A3o-Do-Lampi%C3%A3o-Do-Litro-De-Luz-Br/
What/how long is the battery life of the Litro de Luz pole?Autonomy of approximately 3 nights (12h/night).
What/how long is the battery life of the Litro de Luz lantern?Approximately 14h autonomy (as we suggest at max ~4h/night -> about 3 nights).
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