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Litro de Luz connects innovative solutions to solve social problems related to energy (and technology) and the needs of companies, adding value, thus benefiting all sides.

Lighting Actions

Methodology application: mapping the communities, engaging residents, training ambassadors, and assembling the Liter of Light technological solutions in communities without adequate access to the electricity grid and/or public lighting.


In the period prior to the installation action, participants receive training from the Workshop in Companies, mentioned above. Afterwards, volunteers are taken to replicate the knowledge acquired, putting together the solution with the residents and having the unique opportunity to participate in this social transformation in the community. The biggest benefit is to provide the employee with an activity with purpose and a strong connection with the reality of a social problem.

In areas of influence

Through the Social Development Methodology, which focuses on community engagement, we implemented a solar lighting action in the company's area of ​​influence with residents of the region, consequently bringing an improvement in the relationship between the company and the surrounding communities, in addition to valuing the brand as socially and environmentally responsible. Volunteers from the partner company can also participate in this action.

Marketing and Communication

The partner company can produce advertising pieces by financing an action. Thus, the brand gains visibility and is valued as socially and environmentally responsible.


Allows participants to learn to build a social technology in a fun way together with colleagues, having a unique and different experience.


in Companies and Events

Team Building. Introduction to the problem of lack of energy in Brazil, based on testimonies from residents of communities already impacted by Litro de Luz and a lecture. In addition to providing integration between participants, families without light can benefit from receiving the same solar solutions after the workshop.


in Schools

It allows participants to learn about sustainability, energy, social technology and related topics. The workshop aims to contribute to a more inclusive, equitable, and quality education. In addition, it allows the participation of volunteers from the sponsoring company (optional).


Other types of partnership

Institutional Support

In addition to supporting solution installation actions, Litro de Luz is currently looking for partners who want to become godparents of the organization, ensuring long-term sustainability. For this reason, we created the possibility of institutional support, an annual partnership contribution with the right to exclusive counterparts, which can always be renewed.

Cause marketing

Association of the Litro de Luz brand with the partner's product. Part of the profit from sales of this product is sent to the Liter of Light

Supply of materials and services

Suppliers of materials or services for the Liter of Light as a donation, at discounts or at a different price, receive image considerations that may vary according to the contribution.

Lectures and Events

Topics related to Litro de Luz, such as access to lighting, social impact, relationship with communities and others can be presented at partner events.

Who has already lit up Brazil with the Litro de Luz

Today we have different types of partnerships with companies, from different sectors

in all types of partnerships.



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